Calibration weights

At HiWEIGH, one will find a range of calibration weights for effective adjustment and verification of all types of weighing scales.
IWF M1 Class Mild Steel Calibration Test Weight
Heavy capacity calibration test weight, mild steel material, smooth finish, M1 class of 500kg, 1000kg and 2000kg
SSE2 OIML Class E2 S.S Test Weight
Get OIML Class E2 calibration test weight – capacity from 1mg to 20kg, optional aluminum box & accessories.
SSF1 OIML F1 Class Precision Weights
OIML F1 class test weight for calibration of balances and scales, ANSI and ASTM class also available.
SSF2 OIML F2 Class Precision Calibration Weights
SSF2 Precision Calibration Weights, ASTM Class available, with capacity of 1mg – 20kg.
SSM1 OIML M1 Class Precision Knob Weights
The M1 class SSM1 S.S standard knob weights are perfect calibration instruments for your industrial scales and balances.
STM M1 Class Chrome Plated Calibration Weights
Standard STM chrome plated calibration weights, M1 class with a bottom cavity. With a capacity up to 2ton.
SCW Inox Grip Handle Test Weights
SCW grip handle calibration weights in F1, F2 and M1 class (5kg, 10kg and 20kg), ANSI and ASTM class optional
SSB OIML F2 Class Heavy Capacity Test Weight
Robust OIML F2 class heavy capacity test Weight with capacity 50kg, 100kg, 200kg, 500kg and 1000kg, optional ANSI/ASTM, NIST class.
SSB OIML F1 Class Heavy Capacity Test Weight
SSB OIML F1 Class Heavy Capacity Test Weight made with capacity of 50kg-100kg-200kg-500kg-1000kg and in OIML F1 class.
IWS Cast Iron Grip Handle Weight
5kg, 10kg, 20kg OIML M1 standard test weights, made of mild steel material and high quality finish.
IW1 IW2 Class Cast Iron Test Weight
OIML M1 standard test weights, capacity of 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg, 25kg and 50kg, high quality finish
IWM M1 Cast Iron Heavy Capacity Weight
Classic big capacity calibration weights made in OIML M1 class and capacity of 100kg, 200kg, 500kg, 1000kg and 2000kg.
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