The sensitive nature of the medical profession requires high precision instruments, potent medicines, and skilled practitioners. The need for scales to weigh patients or for that matter, the crates of medicines, is an essential part of the profession. One incorrect reading of the scale and the efficacy of the program or medicine can be called to question. For example, an obese patient undergoes the treatment for weight loss by following the doctor’s advice. However, if the patient checks for the weight on a faulty scale then the doctor might be forced to change the medicines or go in for some drastic procedures.
This may lead to some further health scare for the patient. Similarly, a faulty scale to measure the weight of a new born baby can lead doctors to recommend medicines that the baby might not even need. In fact, the medicines can have an impact on the health of the baby as well. Hence, the bottom line is that all instruments used in the medical profession including the scales should be of the highest quality and display accurate readings.
Identifying a qualitatively superior medical scale from the scores that are available is a big task. The best way to go about choosing the right one that gives precise readings is to go by the brand name. A quality brand build over the years always maintains its respective standing in the market. This is due to the fact that earning the trust of customers is not achieved in a day or two but is meticulously built over the years. The Chinese medical scale from HiWEIGH is one such scale that meets the highest standards of quality but at reasonable rates.
The ISO 9001 certified company has been in the domain of manufacturing and supplying precision scales for over 20 years. In the medical field, the company has a slew of scales that meets each and every weighing requirement. Let us discuss the ones in some detail.
HT HTA Physician Scale: Capable of weighing up to 220kg, the scale has a classic design and an anti slip platform. They come with standard and tower shaped columns.
HX Physician Scale: Containing a stainless steel bracket and boasting of ABS housing, the scale has an LCD with backlight and a slew of functions. The functions are G value adjusting, BMI check and hold.
HE HEM/HM HHM Physician Scale: Built with stainless steel or aluminum alloy material, the scales have OIML approved indicators. Also, an anti slip rubber mat, a built in water level on the platform, and a tower with an indicator arm among others are some of the built in features.
Wheelchair Scales (WDT, HL HLM, WF (M), FM and Panda): The scales are made of an aluminum alloy, have ABS housing, a stainless steel bracket and a movable design.
Baby Scale (BAM, BAR, BAK): The baby scales come with a healthy weight basket and are easy to read and operate. Housed in ABS, these have weight saving and last weight recall functions.
The performance of medical scales is important for the proper diagnosis and treatment of ailments. It is better advised to use a Chinese medical scale at the health facility.