In buying of products through retail, customers generally take product attributes like quality and quantity for granted. This should not, however, make the workforce involved in retail businesses complacent, for upholding these attributes on a consistent basis goes a long way in generating trust besides adding value to your business. The use of modern weighing scales in wholesale and retail offers customers a bigger reason to repose trust, mostly implicit, in your products and services.
Benefits of Using Modern Weighing Scales
Eliminates Human Error: In traditional scales, the weight is measured as ‘accurate’ when the needle remains perpendicular. This yardstick can be subjective and may not give the accurate weight. On the other hand, a digital one like the Chinese retail weighing scale can reduce or altogether remove such faulty measurements due to human error. Such a scale can be connected to a computer by using the RS 232 port, wherein you can control the scale as well as store data generated from it.
Remote Access: Given that modern weighing scales can be connected to the internet through wireless ethernet, they can be remotely controlled and the measured data can be stored into a computer in the form of an excel sheet or any other database management system.
Battery Operated: The presence of the battery and optional RS232-USB port ensures these scales can be used even when there is a power outage or in places where there is no power grid available. Also, by using the optional RS232-USB port, data from the scale can be transferred to a flash drive only to be used or retrieved later.
Easy Viewing: The presence of a backlit LCD or LED screen would mean you, as a customer or retailer, will be able to read the measurement clearly up to the next smallest digit.
Notwithstanding the advantages of modern weighing scales their quality can sometimes be suspect. In other words, a fancy looking scale does not always mean you get an accurate measurement, for quality certification plays the determinant role here. This is where OIML approved Chinese made retail weighing scales from HiWeigh come into prominence.
Types of HiWeigh Retail Weighing Scales
PC6S price computing scale: With a maximum capacity of 30kg and housed in a stainless steel body, this particular scale has a big LCD display with a backlit feature. The other features include a rechargeable 6V battery, 40 PLU keys, money change function, zero and full capacity tare, and auto power off, among others. The optional features are in the form of RS232, WiFi, Bluetooth, and customized protocol.
PC6 price computing scale: Available in eight models with a maximum capacity of 30kg, the scale supports Aliminium load and is enclosed in a rugged ABS. It has features like dual range capacity, money recall and clean, gravity value setup, and EC type approved among others.
PC5 price computing scale: Available in eight models, this particular scale with a big LCD display with backlit has several features. These include a rechargeable battery with 130 hours of operating time, functions like accumulating, memory, and clean, and multi units for selection etc.
PC5E price computing scale: With a stainless steel pan having dimensions of 315mm x 250mm, the scale has a rugged ABS housing as well. The other functions include a bright red LED display with adjustable brightness, 6V rechargeable battery, and 6 direct PLU keys among others.
PC4 price computing scale: The features include 4 adjusting rubber feet, PC4H with tower display, a high quality load cell etc.
PCX hanging price computing scale: With a maximum capacity of 30kg, the scale can be remotely controlled with additional features like OIML R60 class III accuracy, stainless steel hook and pan etc.
BPH big capacity with printer: Available in six models with a maximum capacity of 150kg, the scale comes in two platform sizes. The multiple functions include an RP58 high speed thermal printer, 18 PLU keys, auto power saving, speed adjustable etc.
Retail weighing scales can play a key role in improving customer confidence in the product, brand, retail store, and manufacturer. The China made OIML approved retail weighing scales from the ISO9001 certified HiWeigh company are the best bet in meeting customer satisfaction.