The importance of weighing terminals, balances and scales is immense across the business verticals. No worthwhile economic transaction can be completed unless the goods bought, sold or transported are measured for their weighing accuracy. With quality management becoming an important part of businesses and economies the world over, taking a shortcut with faulty weighing measurement can lead to the following consequences:
- Losing the trust of customers and clients
- Falling foul of the regulatory bodies
- Losing the brand value
- Inviting legal suits to claim compensation
- Losing revenue
As a credible business organization, you should not underplay the importance of installing quality certified weighing terminals at your facility. And if you want to cut through the clutter featuring weighing scales from numerous brands, the blog will help you in making the right choice.
Criteria for Choosing a Brand
Duration of its Existence: If you look around, you will find that consumer goods recording the maximum sales are from makers that have established a credibility in the market. The first and foremost area to look for while determining the credibility of a brand is the duration of its existence. Needless to say, a company with a longer time span in the market will have a greater credibility vis-a-vis the one that has opened shop just yesterday.
Quality Certification: Credible organisations will always go for certifying their products from specialised agencies like the ISO, OIML, NTEP and others. The certifying agencies measure the quality of products against a slew of metrics to check if they perform as per the expected outcomes. For example, a weighing scale should display the correct reading no matter what is the surrounding temperature or condition.
Cost: Even though it is common knowledge that a quality product would cost more, it is not always the case. There are credible brands that understand the market dynamics and have priced their products accordingly. Thus, a reasonably priced scale that is quality certified as well does exist.
Customer Service: Goods can undergo a deterioration in their quality due to a number of reasons. These can be related to rough handling, accidental damage, built-in glitches or other external factors.
Is there any company that fulfils the above criteria in the weighing industry?
Even though every second company in the manufacture and sale of weighing terminals vouch to fit into the narrative, its time to separate the grain from the chaff. The Chinese weighing terminal manufactured by the Shanghai based corporation, HiWEIGH embodies the qualities and features that make it stand apart. These are as follows:
- The company has been manufacturing scales and balances catering to a number of industries since 1998. Yes, it has been twenty long years in the business for HiWEIGH.
- The company operates as per the stringent stipulations mandated under ISO 9001 certification. Also, it offers ISO 17025 certification for the test weights and scales as well.
- The load cells used in the scales are OIML/NTEP certified.
- The company provides a 24×7 sales and technical service.
- The scales cater to a number of industry segments such as food processing, agriculture, logistics, medical & healthcare, mining & construction, retail stores, and chemicals & materials.
The versatility, quality, cost effectiveness and rich features of a Chinese weighing terminal make it one of the best products for the industry.