The scales or balances that you see or use for weighing purposes have an important component (besides many others,) which can be described as arguably the former’s beating heart. The quality of a load cell determines how precise the readings of a scale or balance would be. If you want to source a quality scale or balance for your business or industry, you should ensure the load cell in it is certified for quality (as in a Chinese load cell) and is made of a tough material like aluminum or steel. Let us find out what a load cell is all about and what are its types.
What is a Load Cell?
Not visible to the naked eye for being hidden inside a scale or balance, a load cell is a sensor that measures the weight of an object placed on it. It is an electro-mechanical device that measures a physical parameter, say the weight, by converting the same into an electronic signal. The electronic signal depends on the type of induced change in the circuitry such as a change in voltage, current or frequency. The load cell is made of a spring that carries a strain gauge. Made of aluminum or steel, the spring is fairly rugged but elastic at the same time.
As and when a load is placed upon the spring, the latter gets deformed and returns to its original shape. The change is recorded by the strain gauge and interpreted by the integrated electronic circuitry as the weight. The strain gauges are part of an electrically conducting film, which upon being stretched and contracted generates an electrical resistance. Thus, the higher the film is stretched the greater is the resistance and vice versa. The change in electrical resistance produces an output voltage, which gets converted into a digitized form.
Types of Load Cells
The load cells can be of many types depending on the application needed. These are single point load cells, bending beam load cells, compressive force load cells, and tensile load cells. Let’s find out about the types.
Single Point Load Cell: As evident from the name, there is a single load cell placed under the weighing platform on which the object is kept.
Bending Beam Load Cell: Instead of a single load cell, a number of load cells are placed underneath a steel structure on which the object is kept.
Compressive Force Load Cell: A number of high capacity load cells are placed below a steel structure to measure the load kept above it.
Tensile Load Cell: Here, instead of placing a load atop the load cell, the same is suspended from the load cell.
In addition to the above, the load cells are classified in terms of their signal transmission – digital and analog. Importantly, the above mentioned load cells should be certified for resistance from water and dirt (read IP certification) to get a better quality.
To ensure your weighing balance works to perfection and does not get influenced by elements such as water, temperature, dirt, wind or snow, it is better to avail a Chinese load cell.