

Facts to Consider When Buying a Weight Scale

One of the most important tools or equipment for any business or industry is a weighing scale. Hence, while purchasing it, you might come across a number of confusing aspects like- “should I buy a digital weight machine or a normal one” or “how to find a crane scale manufacturer”? Before we explore these questions, let’s understand what a weighing machine or scale is.

A weighing machine is a device that measures the load of any object or a person with the help of a predefined scale of measurements. However, when it comes to a digital weight machine, aspects like precision, accuracy, and reliability that has made this equipment a must-have among manufacturers, shopkeepers, and retailers.

People also keep the digital weighing scale at home. There are many varieties available when it comes to weighing scales on the basis of capacity, technology, price and model. The capacity of a weighing scale can range from micrograms to kilograms, and it can even go up to metric tons when it comes to crane scale manufacturers.

Let’s take a look at some of the must-have features along with the specification of a weighing scale.

Digital weight machine


the worth of a weighing scale is determined by its accuracy. And it is one factor alone that makes digital weighing scales more preferable among users.

If you choose an analog scale, be informed that with time, the spring will lose its responsiveness and show you incorrect values.

The deviation in sizes can range from 0.5 to 0.0001% of a set value. In some industries like construction, a certain amount of weight deviation is acceptable and opting for high accuracy scales might be a waste of money. But in other industries dealing with precious metals such as gold, or in laboratories, a fraction of change or a slight inaccuracy might alter the results to a huge extent.

Analog weight machine or a digital weight machine

An analog scale functions with the help of certain mechanisms along with mechanical advantages. But the level of accuracy while measuring is quite low when it comes to analog scales.

Moreover, with time, an analog weight machine’s accuracy also takes a hit. Owing to these drawbacks, an analog weighing scale is only suitable for short-term weighing uses and in places that do not have any power supply.

A digital weighing scale on the other hand can function on AC/DC power supply, or it can also depend on a battery. A digital load cell such as strain gauge load cells or maybe a resistance load cell is used in these weighing scales for measuring the load. With the help of a computing circuit that is placed inside the weighing machine, the load gets converted to the said units. Different kinds of display like a 7 segment display or an LCD display shows the measured weight on the screen.

Material of the scale

The material used for a scale is largely dictated by the application of the scale. For example, a jewellery weighing scale and pharmaceuticals require scales that are highly compact, is made of plastic and has a glass finish. But a grocery store needs scales that have a metal body and can resist rust.

Again, steel trading stores need weighing scales that weigh objects measuring hundreds of kilograms and must be made of steel frames in the bottom along with a weighing platform that is fabricated with metals such as iron or steel. Such heavy-duty weighing machines also need stability while loading and unloading in under process and must include an anti-skid base for good grip.

Weight capacity

Another important feature of a weighing machine is its weight capacity. Depending on the industry, accuracy, and place of use, a weighing machine’s capacity can range anywhere between micrograms to several metric tons.


In conclusion, we have extensively discussed weighing machines. Various important aspects of a weighing scale such as how an analog weighing scale is different from a digital weight machine, its accuracy, weight capacity, etc. When you are buying a weighing scale, it is also important that you buy from a reputed manufacturer like HiWEIGH as we are known for their premium quality and a wide range of products that suit your need. Reach out to us today for a quote.

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